"A Republic, if you can keep it" - Benjamin Franklin, 1787
"There Shall be Open Borders" - Wall Street Journal, 1984

The United States of America Without a vote of Congress - or consent of the American people - our intentionally unsecured borders and our government's lack of diligent enforcement of our immigration and employment laws could be an essential step to a much larger goal - a "North American Community".

Think about your children reciting, "I pledge allegiance to the Continent and to the Commerce for which it stands."

Society for American Sovereignty TM shares the deep concern regarding the intent and lack of congressional oversight and potential threat to American sovereignty regarding the SPP indicated in an August 6, 2007 letter to the President of the United States signed by more than twenty U.S. Congressional Representatives.


17 August, 2007

Society for American Sovereignty TM
[Organization name updated 9 Feb. 2009]
3595 Canton Rd. A9/337
Marietta, Ga. 30066

- Merriam Webster

Main Entry: sov·er·eign·ty
Function: noun

1) obsolete: supreme excellence or an example of it

2) a: supreme power especially over a body politic, b: freedom from external control: AUTONOMY, c: controlling influence

3) one that is sovereign; especially: an autonomous state

In an effort to draw media attention and public and Congressional scrutiny to the little known 'Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America' (SPP), border security activist D.A. King will be available to the media to outline the potential threats to American sovereignty involved in the virtually unpublicized executive branch initiative.

When: Monday, August 20, 2007 NOON
Where: The Rotunda, the Georgia Capitol Building

The press conference is timed to coincide with the August 20-21 "North American Leaders Summit" in Montebello, Canada involving President George W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Mexican president Felipe Calderon which will focus on advancing the SPP.

King expects several elected officials to speak at the press conference.

"The true intent and lack of transparency and accountability concerning the SPP should be a matter of great concern to all Americans and those in the media" notes King. "The SPP seems to closely follow the 2005 Council on Foreign Relations report titled 'Building a North American Community' which makes recommendations that include combining the Social Security systems of the U.S. and Mexico, and creating a common security perimeter around North America within which people would flow freely between the three nations... essentially integrated nations and open borders" King said.

King will also officially announce the formation of 'Society for American Sovereignty' TM (SAS), a recently incorporated Georgia - based national organization aimed at educating the public on the consequences of the SPP and any attempt to create an arrangement in North America similar to the European Union. King is co-founder and CEO of Society for American Sovereignty Inc. [501(c)(3) status from the IRS for AFS will be applied for soon.]

Society for American Sovereignty TM shares the deep concern regarding the SPP indicated in an August 6, 2007 letter to the President of the United States signed by more than twenty U.S. Congressional Representatives including Georgia's Dr. Tom Price and Dr. Phil Gingrey.

King will provide copies of that letter and other background information to any members of the media who have an interest at the press conference.

The public is invited and urged to attend.