NAFTA Super Corridor / NAFTA Super Highway / NASCO Trade Corridor
Below are links to informative articles and websites on the NAFTA Super Highway and related trade corridors, compiled by Society for American Sovereignty TM.
(Links to other websites will open in a new browser window.)
NAFTA Super Corridor Maps

Ports to Plains Corridor Maps

Trans Texas Corridor Maps

- Kansas City: The Corridor to the Future, by Mayor Kay Barnes, The Next American City (2006)
- Kansas City, MO - Mexico Business Development Corporation
"Kansas City is the entry point, or hub, that will allow us to become an even bigger part of your economy. You have everything that a major distribution center needs- air cargo capacity, highways, and railways. All are in a great place here in Kansas City. It is the best place for us to be."
- Luis Ernesto Dérbez, Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs
- ** Conference ** Great Plains 2007 International Conference, Denver, CO (September 19-21, 2007) - register online
The Great Plains International Conference - The first annual meeting gathering supporters and friends of the three corridors that make up the Great Plains Trade Corridor: Ports-to-Plains; Heartland Expressway; and Theodore Roosevelt Expressway.
- ** Conference ** North America Works in Kansas City conference and registration (October 18-20, 2007)
"The third annual North America Works conference is co-presented by the Kansas City, Missouri International Affairs and Trade Office and the North America's SuperCorridor Coalition (NASCO). Focusing on the theme, 'Entrepreneurial Development along the Mid-Continent Corridor,' the conference will feature expert panels from the US, Canada and Mexico."
- Ports To Plains Trade Corridor
The Ports-to-Plains Trade Corridor is a planned, multimodal transportation corridor including a multi-lane divided highway that will facilitate the efficient transportation of goods and services from Mexico, through West Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, and Oklahoma, and ultimately on into Canada and the Pacific Northwest.
- Opening the Midwest to Asian Trade Via Mexico, by Gene Linn, American Journal of Transportation (May 23, 2005)
- U.S.-Mexico trans-PAC corridor deal, Journal of Commerce (March 28, 2005)
"Officials from Kansas City, Mo., and Lázaro Cárdenas, Mexico, signed a cooperative agreement to establish a new trans-Pacific trade corridor to alleviate delays and congestion at West Coast ports, and promote trade growth between the U.S. Midwest and Mexico.
'In terms of opening the Midwest to Asian trade through Mexican ports, this agreement signifies substantial completion of [some] extensive efforts over the past several years,' said Alfred Figuly, president of the greater Kansas City Foreign Trade Zone, in a prepared statement. - NASCO - North America's SuperCorridor Coalition - information on the proposed Inland Ports Network
- The Mid-Continent Trade Corridor, Destination Winnipeg
- Stop Smartport - News about the NAFTA Superhighway and the Kansas City SmartPort
- Corridor Watch - Challenging the Wisdom of the Trans Texas Corridor
- Trans Texas Corridor, Texas Department of Transportation
Studies, reports and documents
- Building North American Competitiveness - Conference Report, North American Works II conference, Council of the Americas, Kansas City (December 1-2, 2006)
- Kansas City: The Inland Port positions itself as economic, transportation hub of North America, report from North America Works in Kansas City conference (October 12-15, 2005) (Also see summary report).
- Dallas NAFTA Trade Corridor briefing presentation, by Dean International, Inc. (August, 2005)
Threats to Our Water: NAFTA, SPP, Super-Corridors, Atlantica, by By Janet M Eaton, PhD, for the
Water Privatization Task Force, Sierra Club
Proposed transportation corridors will included water pipelines.
- NASCO Files - documents from the North American Super Corridor Coalition
News Articles
Deal creates path for NAFTA railway - Connects Canada to Mexico through heart of the U.S., by Jerome R. Corsi, (September 18, 2007)
- NAFTA Superhighway plans advance south - Texas governor, Mexico agree to extend Trans-Texas Corridor, by Jerome R. Corsi, (September 10, 2007)
- Kansas City Smart Port media coverage - list of articles
- NAFTA superhighway heads north, by Jerome Corsi, WorldNetDaily (June 21, 2007)
- China to install sensors along NAFTA highway - Documents reveal NASCO plan to militarize I-35, by Jerome R. Corsi (2007)
- Texans fear US sovereignty will disappear down superhighway, by James Langton, Telegraph UK (April 3, 2007)
- The NAFTA Corridors: Offshoring U.S. Transportation Jobs to Mexico, by Richard D. Vogel. Monthly Review (2006)
- Bush's unpublicized project that's going to make a lot of people really angry, Kevin Phillips, Prairie Weather blog (June, 2006)
- North America Works II Conference - SPP Members Busy Building 'North America Union', by Amanda Teegarden, Oklahomans for Sovereignty and Free Enterprise, Inc. (December 7, 2006)
More News Articles on the NAFTA Super Corridor
Please see our NAFTA Super Corridor articles section for a selection of articles on the NAFTA Super Corridor.