News Article

IDs for illegals draws no comment from Snow

By staff,

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Attempts by cities or other governments to sidestep federal policy and make their own provisions for illegal aliens won't get any attention from the White House, spokesman Tony Snow says.

He said such efforts are not under the president's "purview."

Snow was responding today to a question from Les Kinsolving, WND's correspondent at the White House. He asked about the president's reaction to local governments making their own decisions regarding immigration policy.

"Reuters reports that New Haven, Conn., will begin issuing to illegal aliens city ID cards to allow them access to city programs and to open bank accounts. My question: What is the president's reaction to this municipal…"

"Let me lay down a general rule, which is: The president, because of federalism reasons, does not talk about state, local, county, municipality, Cub Scout, Girl Scout, or other resolutions," Snow said....

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