What is a conspiracy theory? There seems to be a lot of them becaus eevery time I write about another government program or policy, th edenials begin as someone starts smirking "conspiracy theory" and calling me a fringe whacko. It's getting tiresome.
Another name they like to throw around is racist if I happen to write something about government programs designed to take my money to give to someone else. "Racist."
And if I happen to question environmental policy, then I'm a lackey of big business who wants to pave the earth...
To sum it all up, apparently, I'm a fringe radical, racist whacko who wants to destroy the earth. Wow...
Of course, the other side of the conspiracy theory charges is the denial by those actually carrying out the policies I'm questioning...
Maybe these reall yare just good public servants whose polices aren't really a threat to anyone.
According to them...the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) is not the beginnings of a plan to create a North American Union, just a steps to grow the American economy and improve trade; America's public education system is really the best in theworld, there is no effort to use the classroom for anything but good old fashioned reading, ritin, and rithmatic; There is no effort underway to create a national Big Brother surveillance system, the Patriot Act is just a tool for helping law enforcement fight terrorism and the Real ID Act is not a national ID; and the Nature Conservancy and the Sierra Club really just want to help protect the environment, not restructure our entire economic and social system...
The fact is, these policies and goals do exist. I'm just guilty of exposing them. By the way, I don't call them conspiracy theories‚ they do. These are simply policies which I believe are wrong because they endanger my liberties...
They are the ones trying to hide their actions. I've always wondered,if someone believes they are doing the right thing, why do they want to hide their actions?...
"Nationhood as we know it will be obliterated, all states will recognize a single global authority...National sovereignty wasn't such agood idea after all..." Strobe Talbott, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State, Clinton Administration
"It is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation-states, however powerful." Maurice Strong, co-chairman UN Commission on Global Governance. "a system of world order--preferably a system of world government --is mandatory...The proud nations someday will see the light and, for the common good and their own survival, yield up their precious sovereignty..." Walter Cronkite, A Reporter's Life.
Of course, when I say they say these things, I'm called a nut. Go figure.
They say it is a conspiracy theory to suggest that the Bush Administration is creating a North American Union. "They" all shake their heads at this one, with smiles on their faces and they simply say no, there is no effort to create a North American Union. The Bush Administration's Security and Prosperity Partnership is not using a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) report as a blue print for the plan, and certainly not, there are no plans to throw out the dollarfor a common North American currency called the Amero....
The Truth. On March 23, 2005, President Bush, Mexican PresidentVicente Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin met at the Bush Ranch in Crawford, Texas in what they called a "Summit." After the meeting, the three heads of state then drove to Baylor University to announce their "signing" of an agreement to form the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America.
Today, 20 working groups operate out of offices in the Commerce Department preparing policy papers, memorandums of understanding, and trilateral declarations of agreement, laying the foundation for how the agreement will work. Each working group has a counterpart in theother two nations. The Bush Administration refuses to release thenames of the members of the working groups....
Yet, all of these very expensive meetings and travel expenses, paid for by the Administration have never been authorized by the U.S.Congress. Officially, Congress has never been informed of the activities of the SPP, nor have they been approved. It's all been created behind the scenes with the use of the President's Executive Order pen.
A key participant in the organization of the SPP is Dr. Robert Pastor, a member of the CFR and author of a 2001 book entitled "Toward a North American Commission" which outlined in detail the creation of a North American Union, including the creation of a common currency he called the Amero...
We are supposed to believe that a man who has written passionately to advocate a North American Union, and travels the world advocating its establishment, now quietly sits in SPP meetings but does nothing to help promote or implement his ideas...
My ideals of governance are exactly the same as those held by the founders of this nation including Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Henry and Madison. Their ideas of a controlled government, individual liberty, private property ownership and free enterprise are the ones which made this nation the most free, richest and healthiest in the world.
The opposite--the ideas being promoted today by those who advocate powerful central government, controlled economies, destruction of private property ownership and redistribution of wealth are the root of poverty, pain and human misery. Those policies have been proven time and again to fail, leaving death and destruction in their wake....
Rather than following our Constitution, which says we are all born with our rights, giving government the job to protect them, they seek to dictate what our rights will be. Control, power, and ultimately disaster--caused by their policies are the future we face with them in charge.
To cover it up and redirect attention, they call me an extremist whacko....
Tom DeWeese is the publisher/editor of The DeWeese Report and president of the American Policy Center, a grassroots, activist think tank headquartered in Warrenton, Virginia. Its Internet site is (http://www.americanpolicy.org.)